Thursday, October 21, 2010

for the love of Graham Crackers

So, this is Charlotte's favorite new snack, and my new favorite thing to entertain her while I work on the computer. One 1/4 of a cracker usually can take her 5 minutes to eat giving me 5 minutes to play. I am only interrupted by occasional gagging when she shoves them in too far. I have perfectly placed the high chair right next to the computer.

She ends up pretty messy, but it is soooo worth it.

This is an excellent example of super parenting. ha ha ha

Monday, October 18, 2010

After a fun little weekend in Vegas, I am feeling motivated to do a little post. (aka i don't want to get back to real life yet.) I have to figure out how to post video because I have a funny one of Charlotte enjoying some ice cream on Dan's birthday. there is something to look forward to. :-)